How are Cans Sealed? / How to Seal Cans? - Levapack

How Are Aluminum Cans Sealed?



Using aluminum cans has really become a part of daily life. People don’t often realize that it takes amazing feats of engineering for us to be able to use aluminum instead of steel in making cans. Can sealers take that even further by increasing the rate of production while reducing the costs associated with sealing aluminum cans. Buying hgih-quality can sealers becomes more and more people’s consideration. 

This guide will first introduce key terms used in the industry when describing aluminum cans and cans sealing machines. It’s important that you understand these terms before we go into detail on the sealing process of aluminum cans.

This guide was created to help people who are still beginners at can sealing better understand how aluminum cans are sealed. But first you need to know what a can sealer is and its function. This improved understanding will help you make better decisions in choosing an aluminum can sealer. It will also help you better make the most out of your aluminum can sealer if you already have one.

What are the Components of a Can Sealer?

Fully Auto Nitrogen Filling Vacuum Sealing Machine

Now that you’re familiar with the terms used to describe the parts of a can, we will now introduce to you the main components of a can sealer:


A chuck holds the can lid and causes it to spin. It has many grooves that locks the lid in place while it turns. The chuck must fit the lid tightly. Otherwise, it cannot support the lid from the pressure during the can sealing process. A proper chuck should be installed based on the diameter of the can.


A turntable, also known as a base plate, is a spring-loaded free spinning disc that supports the can body. The chuck pushed the lid towards the body. The turntable, on the other hand, pushes the body towards lid. This results in the whole system consisting of the chuck, the lid, the turntable, and the body spinning as one. The pressure from both of these components of the machine for the can sealing process.

How are Aluminum Cans Sealed?

Now that you know the parts of a can and the components of the machine, you are ready to understand the details of the can sealing process.

The sealing process begins when the aluminum can enters the sealer and is lifted up. There are 2 ways that a can enters the sealer, depending on the machine that you have. It enters through a conveyor if you have an automatic can sealer. A person manually puts the can on the sealing chamber if you have a semi-automatic can sealer.

Once inside, the aluminum can goes through 3 operation stages in the process:


The first stage of the sealing process is called the compression stage. This stage provides the necessary force to hold the body against the chuck. Compression feeds the flange into the first roller, which will be explained later. When the appropriate chuck is installed for the can diameter, the chuck holds the lid tightly in place. The spring-loaded turntable pushes the can body upwards against the chuck.

If you have a vacuum can sealer, the oxygen inside the can is removed through vacuum pressure and then nitrogen flows into the can. This happens in the vacuum room before the lid is placed on top of the can body.

Now that the can has lid on through compression, the double seam will be created in two roller operation stages.

First Roller Operation

Because the curl of the lid is wider than the flange of the body, the roller folds the curl towards the flange first. As the roller advances closer to the chuck, the flange follows and turns around. The lid is then interlocked with the body, forming hooks. This seal, however, is not yet airtight.

The first roller operation stage is critical. If the first operation is too tight or too loose, it cannot be corrected later in the process.

Second Roller Operation

In this stage of the sealing process, a second roller approaches the hooks formed in the first roller operation. This second roller compresses the interlocked hooks. A sealing compound is then squeezed into any remaining open spaces. The compression will cause the compound to flow, finally forming an airtight seal. The mechanical strength of the double seam together with the sealing compound protects the product inside the aluminum can from contaminations. It also guarantees that nothing leaks into or out of the aluminum can.


Canned drinks in ice water

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The use of aluminum truly has changed the can industry. Aluminum is a superior material that is sustainable, recyclable, easy to print on and design, and protects the product inside. You are sure to experience growth in your business with the benefits provided by aluminum cans.

This growth, however, is also dependent on how much you understand the operations of an aluminum can sealer and the can sealing process. It is our hope that this article provided you with the guidance that you need to start and succeed in your can industry operations. If you have any questions or different ideas, feel free to comment below for further discussion! If you looking for can sealer, you can reach out to Levapack, your Chinese packaging machine supplier.

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