The demand for packaged products has been on the rise. Companies are taking this opportunity by improving their services, including efficient packaging of products, especially in the food industry. Can seamer machines are being used to seal these packaging tins. Over the years, these machines have undergone changes and advancements to become more effective. Many manufacturers around the globe are developing these machines to serve various industries.
They are very beneficial when incorporated into your company processes. Curious to learn more about these machines? Then let us dive into how they work.
A can seamer/sealer is a machine used for sealing cans. The sealed cans are made out of tin, paper, glass, aluminum, and many other materials. The machine can possess several heads, increasing the speed of the process. Each seaming head is regarded as a machine on its own. The seals are usually leak proof, making the whole process very efficient. The can seamers are classified according to how they operate.
The categories are automatic can seamers, semi-automatic, contact, and non-contact. Their design and composition differ depending on the type of machine and the sealing rate. The sealing machine has various parts, with each part having its specific function. The parts are as follows;
The can seaming process begins with the transportation of the can into the seaming machine using a conveyor for automatic machines or manually for the semi-automatic machines. Before this, machines fill the cans with products. The process of can seaming is the double seaming process. It is done in three stages;
This is the stage where the required force is provided to hold the can stand firmly to the seamer head. The chuck holds the lid in place while the base plate moves the can upward towards the chuck. The machine is vacuumed first, then nitrogen is introduced into the chamber, and the lid is positioned on the can. Double seaming occurs here by interlocking the curl and the flange. The curl is the end part of the lid, while the flange is the top of the can. After completing this, it ushers in the two roller stages.
It is the most crucial stage as it impacts the success of the whole process through the quality of the seam. The tightness and leak avoidance are accomplished in this stage. The first roller pushes the curl resulting in a turnaround. The curl is normally wider than the flange. From here, the flange follows while the roller is moving closer to the seamer head. Lastly, the lid and the can are now interlocked. The attachment must not be too tight or too loose.
In this stage, the second roller irons out the loose seam making it leakproof. The machine introduces a sealing compound on the sealed can. This compound makes the seal even more firm protecting the products inside from contaminants and leaks.
Many people use canned products, but only a few are aware of the processes to seal the products into cans without any leakages. Can seaming is an important operation, especially for the packaging industries. Several companies manufacture these machines, and the leading one is Lavepack. We are a renowned can packaging machines manufacturer offering a complete line of these machines. Contact us today for more information on our high-quality machines.